News / ECIA General Assembly 2017 and 25th Birthday Event in Estonia

ECIA General Assembly 2017 and 25th Birthday Event in Estonia

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The annual General Assembly of European Council of Interior Architects – hosted byESL – took place in Estonian traditional summer resort PÄRNU. We had a great attendance in Pärnu, in fact, we had one of the highest attendance in the history of the ECIA! We were happy to welcome such a large group of inspiring people – all inspired to meet, discuss, gather and explore for our wonderful profession.

The General Assembly up-dated the work of the board during 2017–2018: the meetings, membership developments, education program, European matters and re-elected the boad members. The GA focused on investigating the data about the profession of interior architect/designer regulation by law, standardisation by national organisation, title protection, building permission, insurance and education with the help of SPIDER MODEL.

The programme of the General Assembly and symposium in Pärnu involved presentations from leading interior architects, researchers and space professionals such as: Margit Argus, KAOS Architects (Estonia); Sabine Keggenhoff, Keggenhoff + Partner (Germany); Ricardo LópezMosteiro (Spain); Hugo de Jager, Revelating (the Netherlands); Katelijn Quartier, PhD, Retail Design Lab, University Hasselt (Belgium), Gabriel Ionut Mándriscanu, URBISON (Romania). The symposium was called BRIGHT FUTURE to explore and show the hugh potential of the discipline of Interior Architecture/Design. 'We all are certainly rooted in the past, but during this symposium, above all, we were looking for the future', said the ECIA president, Anja Dirks who also moderated the symposium. Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla, PhD from ECIA board gave a presentation of the newly published SISU–LINE #3, the Journal of Interior Architecture Research by the ESL and the Estonian Academy of Arts.

ECIA board together with the ESL worked out a great program, including a warm and welcoming opening dinner and picnic on the beach and a party to celebrate the 25thanniversary.The delegates and guests of ECIA GA visited the most outstanding buildings designed by the awarded architects and interior architects in Estonia with the guide from the Museum of Architecture. To sum it up several Mies van Der Rohe nominents were introduced to the guests in Tallinn as well as the spaces for the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union by the ESL.

Dear delegates and all participants – thank you for the great job in the ECIA General Assembly in Pärnu, it was a gorgeous weekend! We are looking forward to meet you all at the next ECIA General Assembly in Sept 2018.

ECIA thanks its supporters: Interface & Kaldewei

Photos by Raul Mee, Kairi Rand