News / ECIA General Assembly 2018 will take place in Antwerp

ECIA General Assembly 2018 will take place in Antwerp


The annual General Assembly of European Council of Interior Architects hosted this year by AINB will take place in the harbor city, Antwerp. AINB is very pleased to welcome together with ECIA, the National Organizations and their delegates.

The General Assembly will up date the work 2017–2018: the meetings, membership developments, education, European matters, organization of the board etc. The University of Antwerp offer the accommodation for the General Assembly in their historic buildings.

Baroque buildings, vast parks and fascinating museums make Antwerp a perfect background for the GA of ECIA. MAS (Museum aan de Stroom) is one of the highlights of contemporary architecture with the best panoramic rooftop. The newest jewel of architecture in Antwerp is “Het Havenhuis” designed by Zaha Hadid architects (photo by Toon Grobet), and forms a mixture between old and new architecture on the border of the city and the harbor.

The ECIA board together with AINB is already looking forward to meet at the ECIA General Assembly in Antwerp, the 15thof September 2018!