News / ​ECIA General Assembly 2021 in Helsinki (FI)

​ECIA General Assembly 2021 in Helsinki (FI)

Group at Cable Factory

It was really great and inspiring to be together again!
After 2020, when the pandemic forced us to organise the GA digitally, this year a lot of delegates were able to come together in Helsinki for a lovely weekend, organised by our Finnish member SIO. The GA is an important formal meeting for exchanging information about the past year and defining the way to progress. A lot of work has been done and will require a follow up in the near future, like finalising and promoting the Charter of Interior Architecture Training, the Spider Models research, assisting Ireland to set up a National Organisation, contributing to the New European Bauhaus and applying for EU Funding. For Tüüne-Kristen Vaikla (ESL) her 3rd term as board member ended. She is succeeded by the new elected board member Antonio De Antonis (AIPi). Except from some technical problems, caused by the hybrid character of the meeting, it was a good meeting. The afternoon session was an inspiring discussion with a professional panel, about the contemporary challenges in design for the building environment, around the three themes of the New European Bauhaus: sustainable, beautiful and inclusive. The session was concluded with the statement that we should ask ourselves every day what we’ve done to save the planet.