News / ECIA New Board and the President Anja Dirks

ECIA New Board and the President Anja Dirks

Elke Kaiser, Marianne Daepp, Jan Geysen, Anja Dirks, Elisabetta de Strobel, Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla

Anja Dirks: "Last year we had a strong internal focus on the mission, vision, main themes and topics of the ECIA for the upcoming years. The next year we will use this strong foundation to continue working from and to realise our goals." The new president of the European Council of Interior Architects ECIA was elected on the general assembly in Oslo 2015. Anja is based with her office “INZIGHT architecture” in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Jan Geysen from Belgium, board member since 2012, holds the position of vice president, Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla from Estonia and Elisabetta de Strobel from Italy were elected as new board members. Furthermore Elke Kaiser, Germany, was re-elected as secretary general and Marianne Daepp from Switzerland affirmed as treasurer. The main focus of the new board lies in strong external contacts, education and serving the members in order to keep on representing and promoting the qualified profession of interior architects/designers in Europe. The vision of ECIA comprises that there is a common view on the profession of interior architects/designers as a vital part of society, culture and economics.