After two years of regular meetings and revisions and corrections we are very pleased to announce that the 2020 Charter for the training of Interior Architects is finally finished, equipped with an ISBN number, and available as an open-source document.
There are two major additions to the 2020 Charter:
The first is an updated and more detailed definition our profession with an emphasis on the core concept of the human relationship to space, and with a more specific approach to space as a phenomena. The second major change is the inclusion of a third level of training which follows the Bologna agreements three categories of bachelor, master and PhD. The intention is to encourage education institutions to create PhD programmes that can contribute to adding knowledge to the profession at a post entry level.
We hope that the revised Charter can be used to help universities to provide the profession with the skills needed in interior architectural practice and at the same time raise the academic level within the profession.
In addition to the 2020 Charter PDF (see download below) document the teaching and learning activities for each level (bachelor, master and PhD) exists in table form and is available on request from the ECIA.
We hope that the 2020 Charter will be widely distributed and used as inspiration in both practice and academia and also as a political tool in establishing the parameters of our profession.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the board with comments or for enquires.
The working group on education:
Marianne Daepp (CH) Interior Architect in her own company. 2013 – 2019
Albert Fuster i Marti (ES) Architect and PhD in History of Art and Architecture by ETSAB-UPC, Barcelona
Dr Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla holds the academic positions Head of Department at Interior Architecture/Faculty of Architecture/Estonian Academy of Arts & Assistant Professor of Interior Design/School of Architecture and Urban Design/ RMIT University Melbourne.
Jeremy Williams MNIL (NO) – Chair of the 2020 European Charter of Interior Architecture Training Working Group