News / GA sponsor - Cosentino

GA sponsor - Cosentino


ECIA General Assembly 2019 in Bilbao is sponsored by Cosentino.

Main brands of Cosentino are Silestone, Dekton and Sensa. The company was established as Marmoles Cosentino in 1979 in Almeria and has more than 4000 workers , 110 Cosentino Centers around the world and more than 80 official distributors.

Silestone is the best selling natural quartz surface from Cosentino, with a wide variety of colors, formats and different textures. Main advantages of Silestone: stain- resistant; low porosity; scratch and high impact resistant.

Dekton is a sophisticated mixture of more than 20 minerals extracted from nature. Its production process is the result of years of learning and inspiration to make glass, latest-generation porcelain tiles and quartz surfaces. Main advantages of Dekton: scratch & stain -resistant, scratch-resistant low water; absorption maximum resistance to fire and heat. Indoor and outdoor applications.

Sensa is a granite surface by Cosentino, a high-quality surface that offers such reliable performance that it comes with a 15-year certified guarantee, Cosentino subjects the granite to an invisible long-lasting treatment, capable of chemically incorporating itself into the material while still letting it breathe. This technology increases its powerful natural properties and prolongs its useful life.

Photo: Industrial Park in Almeria