News / IFI World Interiors Day 2020

IFI World Interiors Day 2020


The International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) announced a theme of World Interiors Day 2020, which is officially recognized on Saturday, 23 May. It will be dedicated to “Nexus Interiors” and celebrated around the world throughout the entire month of May.

IFI encourages everybody to use this theme for inspiration and organize activities that will bring together colleagues, students, and your community. “Design an experience, connect people, places or objects in a fresh way. Plan a block party or host a meal. Make a meme, create a podcast or share a hashtag. Some starting points for your creative exploration include:

  • Past and Present – preserving or creating new connections across time
  • Tangible and Intangible – shaping the material through movement, force and use
  • Impact and Influence – the potential to empower and impact performance
  • Necessity / Pleasure – evolving for changing needs and behaviors
  • Shift / Innovation – creating new connections and questioning the status quo
  • Public / Private – blurring the boundaries of access and visibility
  • Visual / Auditory – our connection to space through the senses”