News / Nordic Network ECIA meeting

Nordic Network ECIA meeting

nordic meeting

The Nordic network within ECIA is back on track. On a gray November day, a meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden, with the representatives of four out of six nordic countries.

The aim for the meeting was to reactivate the connections between the countries organizations. As a result of the meeting more meetings are to be expected, and new collaborations are being planned.

There used to be an active network between the Nordic countries, but it has been passive for some years. During the ECIA assembly in Bilbao, connections were made with the aim to set up a meeting in 2019, thus restarting the network.

On November 20, the meeting was held at the Furniture Design Museum, in Stockholm, Sweden. Acting as hosts was the board of the Swedish Academy of Interior Architecture. After greetings by the Swedish chairman of the board, there was a brief guided tour through the collection of the museum. This was followed by lunch and an informal meeting. All the representatives made a presentation on the basic stats and facts of interior architects in their country. After that a discussion followed, mainly focused on similarities and differences between the countries. The meeting ended with a decision to plan another meeting in the spring in Norway, and to prepare specific issues for that meeting.

(Photo: Monica Døhlie Heck)