Spider Models Research first findings

Recent months have brought substantial progress to ECIA Spider Models Research, one of the six sub-projects within our EU-co-funded initiative, "Building on Connections for a Stronger Profession”.

The primary objective of this research is to gather data and gain insights into the interior architecture and design profession across Europe, in collaboration with the University of Antwerp.

One of the notable early achievements is the development of a mapping system based on a binary approach. This mapping system assesses the level of professionalisation within the interior discipline across different countries, considering data on education, professional practice/organization, and legislation.

First findings of the study are now available for ECIA members and the public. They serve as a valuable resource for advancing the professionalisation of the interior discipline in their respective countries and monitoring progress.

Are you curious to learn more about the initial findings of the Spider Models Research? You can access the lecture of Els De Vos (University of Antwerp) on the ECIA Spider Research “Professionalisation of Interior architecture in Europe” on our website.
