Towards a high-quality Baukultur for Europe and beyond!

To achieve a high-quality Baukultur for Europe and beyond the European Ministers of Culture approved the Davos Declaration in 2018 on the initiative of Switzerland. Access the document here

Towards a shared culture of architecture

Born out of the 2019-2022 EU work plan for culture, the report "Towards a shared culture of architecture - Investing in a high-quality living environment for everyone" was published as the European Commission launched the New European Bauhaus initiative. Read the report here

EU Directive on professional qualifications

The EU has set up rules to make it easier for EU countries to recognise each other’s professional qualifications. This is the aim of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications as amended by Directive 2013/55/EU. While this may make recognition easier, in practice there is no one single solution for the recognition of professional qualifications within the EU. Find the consolidated version (20-06-2024) here

Regulated Professions Database

Find out on this website of the European Commission in which countries of the EU the profession of interior architect/designer is regulated.

The New European Bauhaus (NEB) beautiful | sustainable | together

The NEB is an EU policy and funding initiative launched by the European Commission in 2021 that fosters sustainable solutions for transforming the built environment and lifestyles under the green transition. Find all information on this website