The primary goal of the ECIA BCSP project is to professionalize the organization and to increase recognition and strengthen the profession of interior architecture. This subproject is working on several objectives, that could be summarised in two:
1.1. Incentivise European countries establish their first National Interior Architecture Association
1.2. Mobilize an increased amount of ECIA Members
After a desk research the sub group made a list of potential new member countries and possible already existing national member organizations.
A membership framework guide has been drafted, discussed and approved by the working group in December 2022. The text has been reviewed by two presidents of National Orgnaisations (NO) who have recently established a NO . It is now in the process of being agreed with the ECIA Board, it will be ready for publication soon.
To gain new members contacts were established via emails to 6 National Organisations with and without existing initial contacts. Several meetings and contacts with key stakeholders such as universities and professionals from EU member states that do not have a national association or that are not part of ECIA have taken place in order to support and advise them in the process of creating their national association or joining ECIA.
Visit in Poland
In April 2024 the team of Sub Project 2 had a meeting with the Polish Association of Interior Architects SAW (Stowarzyszenie Architektow Wnętrz). The meeting lasted two days and took place at SARP headquarters (Association of Polish Architects), where several representatives of SAW board were present: Pawel Sokol, Roland Stańczyk, Anna Olga Chmielewska, Agnieszka Zygmunt and the representatives of SAW Programme Council: Bibianna Stein-Ostaszewska, Ola Kołodziej and Patrycja Suszek-Rączkowska.
The SAW is now on the official path to apply for the ECIA membership. They are also invited to join the GA in September 2024.
Ready to grow the network in your country?
Contact Marianne Daepp, our "Growing the Network" sub-project leader, at for guidance. We're actively seeking contacts in several European countries, including Greece and Portugal. Let's connect and strengthen the network together!
Visit in Dublin
This year, ECIA proudly welcomes three new national organisations as members, expanding our ECIA world to include representatives from 18 European countries! 🤩
This achievement marks a significant milestone under the ECIA EU-co-funded sub-project, "Growing the Network."
But the journey doesn't stop there...
Since 2021, the ECIA sub-project team has been actively working to establish a new contact with the Interiors Association (IA), the National Interior Architects and Designers Organisation in Ireland, with the support of local educators in Interior Architecture.
Recent Happenings
Two weeks ago, our dedicated sub-project team members, Jeremy Williams and Marianne Daepp visited Dublin to meet Jackie Carton, the very active founder and president of IA. ECIA is optimistic about presenting and welcoming Ireland as the 19th national member soon🤞.