IFI’s Global Awards Program (IFI GAP) recognizes and awards design excellence at the world level. Working closely with IFI member and expert networks, IFI identifies...
IFI’s Global Awards Program (IFI GAP) recognizes and awards design excellence at the world level. Working closely with IFI member and expert networks, IFI identifies...
ECIA joins planning organisations from the creative sector in a joint statement on the New European Bauhaus! The joint statement is supported by the representative European...
After two years of hard work, consisting of 16 meetings in a number of different countries the ECIA board is very happy to announce that the European Charter of Interior Architect...
Given the ongoing situation regarding Covid-19 and the associated risks, the ECIA took the decision to hold its annual General Assembly online this year. It took place on November...
In the second part of the ECIA General Assembly 2020, René Pierre gave a presentation - “Working spaces for sustainable and future oriented learning in the digitalized...
The International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) announced the 2021 IFI World Interiors Day (IFI WID) theme - “Design as a Global Conversation”.“This year,...
The ECIA is delighted to welcome Mauro Brigham as a new chairman of AiNB and wishes him all the best in his new journey.“To inspire, inform, support, bring together, improve and...
The AiNB has created an interesting new event concept/format called "IN SITU".“The idea is to share with interior architects, or architects, high-quality building or fabrication...
The General Council of Spain (CGDI) announced the first National Awards of Interior Design 2021. The awards have 4 different categories: residential, retail, hospitality, and...