
World Interiors Day

World Interiors Day is an annual event spearheaded by IFI and designed to spotlight Interior Architecture/Design. The event actively engages professionals, national organizations,...

ECIA Recognised Education

Following the success of the introduction of the European Charter of Interior Architecture Training ECIA has introduced a recognition program for courses in Interior...

ECIA Redesigned Logo

The redesigned ECIA logo shows a hint of academical tradition with its European blue and the strong serif capitals. At the same time it is contemporary and future proof in the...

ECIA Board Meetings in Antwerp and Berlin

The new ECIA board had a regular meeting in Antwerp in November, 2015 in order focus on the main steps for the next year. The discussion searched for the new topic of Genaral...

ECIA New Board and the President Anja Dirks

Anja Dirks: "Last year we had a strong internal focus on the mission, vision, main themes and topics of the ECIA for the upcoming years. The next year we will use this strong...

ECIA General Assembly 2016 and the Round Table in Switzerland

GA Round Table 2016 Regulation – hated or loved? is focusing on the topic: The position of Interior Architecture as a profession in the lawsystem in order to generate a...

ECIA General Assembly 2016 will be in Switzerland

The VSI.ASAI is very pleased to host the ECIA General Assembly in Switzerland on Sept, 16–17 at the monastery of Ittingen. GA is focusing on the topic: The position of Interior Architecture as a profession in the law system in order to generate a discussion of similarities and differences between ECIA member states. This is supposed to be a constructive countryside program in the middle of nature of Switzerland.

ECIA President Visited EU Border

ECIA president Anja Dirks visited Estonia from August 24-29 in order to give wider international insight and find out the best interiors of 2015/2016 as a jury member of Annual...

ECIA Board Meeting in Madrid

ECIA board met in Madrid, June 9–11 with the interior architects association in Spain – CODDIM – which connects 19 different federations of interior architects and designers....