
SIO 70 Years Jubileum

The Finnish Association of Interior Architects celebrates the SIO 70 years jubileum on May, 23 in Helsinki with a seminar 'Design Without Borders' – free flow of work and...

SISU 2019 : Actual / Tegelik

International SISU Symposium of Interior Architecture and Spatial Use takes place in Tallinn, Estonia from 12 to 14 June 2019. Highlight of the Estonian interior architecture...

Good News from Norway

This year has started well for NIL members. In 2019 and 2020 the citizens of Oslo will be able to start using three new public buildings: The new National Museum of Art, Deichman...

Europan 15 is Launched

Europan is a European competition of ideas, bringing together design professionals, private stakeholders and public representatives of European cities to generate fresh solutions...

Vacancies 2019

With the upcoming ECIA general assembly in September 2019 there will be a seat open in the ECIA board. The board of the ECIA has a space for the new board member – a treasurer!...

President's Message

'Before we even know the first month of the year 2019 has already passed. It is incredible how fast times run. After a well-deserved holiday our board of ECIA has started with...


NOOK magazine, a co-production of BNI (NL) and AiNB (BE), is a new magazine about interior architecture. The first issue was published at the end of July 2018. NOOK offers depth,...

Save the Date – GA 2019 in Spain

The annual General Assembly of European Council of Interior Architects hosted this year by CGDI will take place in Spain, the 14 of September 2019. CGDI is very pleased to welcome...

IFI WID 2019: Designing Spaces, Changing Lives 

Plan to participate today!As agents of change, work of Interior Architects / Designers impacts the lives of all people. These impacts happen on many levels, including the tangible...